Orthodontic Emergencies

Sometimes orthodontic appliances can cause soreness and discomfort in your mouth. Most of the time these issues may be taken care of at home. However, if an appliance breaks, patients should contact Dr. Wong’s office for assistance, thus avoiding any delays in treatment that might make the problem worse.

Please see some examples of orthodontic emergencies and how they may be treated. However, please do not hesitate to call our office and ask us what would be the best course of action.

Loose Appliance: Dental wax covering the part of the appliance hurting the mouth is often a quick remedy for loose appliances. This wax is available at our office. 

Loose Wire: Dental wax can also help if you have a loose wire. Tweezers can be used to adjust the wire back into its proper place. However, please call the office first to make sure that this is the best thing to do.

Jutting or Poking Wire: Dental wax can provide short-term relief to the area of the jutting wire. The wire can be pushed down with a pencil eraser until corrected by Dr. Wong at your next appointment.

Loose Band or Bracket: In cases of a loose band or bracket, an appointment at our office should be scheduled immediately.  A loose band may create an environment where bacteria may proliferate and lead to tooth decay. The free bracket should be wrapped in a plastic bag and brought with you to your appointment.

Oral Soreness/Discomfort: New appliances and adjustments can sometimes cause discomfort or soreness in the lips, teeth, tongue, and cheeks. Warm salt-water rinses, dental wax, and over-the-counter pain relievers may help; however, Dr. Wong’s office should be contacted if pain and discomfort persist.

Bent Facebow (Headgear): In this instance, you should call Dr. Wong’s office for guidance. Headgear should not be worn until after you have spoken with Dr. Wong.

Headgear Discomfort: This may be the result of not properly wearing your headgear. Typically, headgear will feel more comfortable with wear. If the problem continues please feel free to call Dr. Wong’s office.

As always, you should contact our orthodontic office with any questions or concerns. We will be happy to assist you with any problems that you may have or schedule an emergency office visit.